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iPhone Application map animation

I'm new to Xcode and cocoa touch, but I'm planning on creating an app with the following requirement:

My app will contain a map, of only the local area( where I reside – this app is directed at our local community).

I already have a rather detailed map of the area that I'm targeting – very similar to what you would get on google maps. It has a few additional locally relevant landmarks and information. I want to simulate the google maps app, with respect to the following features:

  1. Just like google maps, when the user initially opens the app, he should see very few places(the major landmarks only).
  2. On double tap to zoom he should be able to see more stuff.
  3. If he moves around , it should add more locations, depending on which directions he has moved.

I would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction with respect to:

  • basic apple frameworks
  • tutorials
  • books
  • open source apps or any other information that is relevant to what I need to do

I'd like to reiterate, that using Apple Maps or Google Maps directly in my app is not an option, I need to use the map I have.


  • For this project, you will need to:

    Drawing your map on a view

    To display your map, you will need to have knowledge in:

    Handling events to interact with the user

    • You need to know how to handle events if you are to respond to double tap to zoom and other related events. See: Event Handling Guide for iOS

    There are a few sample projects that you can check:

    Simple Gesture Recognizers which Apple states:

    is a perfect starting point for understanding gesture recognition. This app demonstrates how to recognize tap, swipe, and rotate gestures. The app responds to each gesture by displaying and animating an image at the touch location.

    and the MoveMe sample which shows how to animate a view in response to touch events. Examine this sample project to further your understanding of custom touch-event handling.

    React to user's current location

    If this is your first iOS or OSX project ever, well, it is quite something. Not the easiest to start, especially if you are not familiar with cocoa-touch event handling and the window/view architecture. However, Apple documentation is very well written and quite straightforward. Ans you will always find somebody to help on SO. Good luck and hang on.