I have bought a few redwire econotags r3 in order to use them with Instant Contiki. As a newbie i followed the manual: http://www.contiki-os.org/start.html. However when i'm trying to upload a program to the motes i receive an error. For example for hello-world:
cd contiki/examples/hello-world
make TARGET=redbee-econotag hello-world
make TARGET=redbee-econotag hello-world.upload
and I receive:
make: *** No rule to make target `hello-world.upload'. Stop.
I'm searching the last two days but i can't understand what's the problem. I can see through the Virtual Machine menu in VMWare Player that the mote is connected correctly to the USB port. Any ideas?
The tools to load econotags is not currently integrated with the Contiki 'make upload' command.
To load code on to econotags, please see the libmc1322x documentation. Specifically:
Typically you use mc1322x-load
to load the code into RAM via the UART 1 bootloader (usually /dev/ttyUSB1). Such as:
mc1322x-load -f rftest-tx_redbee-econotag.bin -t /dev/ttyUSB1
You then reset the econotag to activate the bootloader.
To program the flash, you need flasher.bin
from libmc1322x. And then you do:
mc1322x-load -f flasher_redbee-econotag.bin -s blink-red_redbee-econotag.bin -t /dev/ttyUSB1
You can also use bbmc
to reset and erase the econotag from the command line. See https://github.com/malvira/libmc1322x/wiki/bbmc