In trying to track down the cause of a Null Reference Exception which occurs only in certain situations, I came across this code:
SqlCeDataReader IdValsReader = IdValsCMD.ExecuteReader();
if ((IdValsReader.Read()) && (!IdValsReader.IsDBNull(0)))
return string.Format("{0};{1};{2};{3};{4};{5};{6};{7};",
. . .
...and wonder if I should add this line following the IdValsReader.Close():
I did do so, but it seems to make no difference; should I leave it in or strip it out?
From MSDN: [The Dispose method] Releases the resources used by the DbDataReader and calls Close.
So it seems sensible to call dispose once you're finished with the reader. Better still, wrap it all in a Using block and forget all about it.