It seems docs for mongodb-1.1.0GA are outdated when it comes to unit testing section:
Following code
class EmployeeTests extends GroovyTestCase {
void setUp() {
void tearDown() {
void testSomething() {
def s = new Employee(firstName: "first name", lastName: "last Name", occupation: "whatever")
s['testField'] = "testValue"
assert != null
s = Employee.get(
assert s != null
assert s.firstName == "first name"
assert s['testField'] == "testValue"
fails with this error:
No such property: testField for class: Employee
Employee class is pretty straightforward:
class Employee {
String firstName
String lastName
String occupation
static constraints = {
firstName blank: false, nullable: false
lastName blank: false, nullable: false
occupation blank: false, nullable: false
So, is unit testing of dynamic attributes possible? If it is, how?
There's no out of the box support for dynamic attributes but it's fairly easy to add. I've put the following code in my setup method. It will add dynamic attributes to any domain classes you have enabled using @TestFor
or @Mock
grailsApplication.domainClasses.each { domainClass ->
domainClass.metaClass.with {
dynamicAttributes = [:]
propertyMissing = { String name ->
propertyMissing = { String name, value ->
delegate.dynamicAttributes[name] = value