I normally mock IDocumentSession in my MSpec with Machine.Fakes, which the RavenDB guys don't like. How do I use the EmbeddableDocumentStore with Machine.Fakes ?
gist: https://gist.github.com/JasonMore/5345697
Hooking RavenDB InMemory to Machine.Fakes
public class RavenInMemorySlowRunner
public class NoStaleQueriesAllowed : IDocumentQueryListener
public void BeforeQueryExecuted(IDocumentQueryCustomization queryCustomization)
public class AllDocumentsById : AbstractIndexCreationTask
public override IndexDefinition CreateIndexDefinition()
return new IndexDefinition
Name = "AllDocumentsById",
Map = "from doc in docs let DocId = doc[\"@metadata\"][\"@id\"] select new {DocId};"
public static EmbeddableDocumentStore Store { get; set; }
public static IDocumentSession Session { get; set; }
OnEstablish context = fakeAccessor =>
fakeAccessor.Configure(x => x.For<IDocumentSession>().Use(() =>
if (Store == null)
Store = new EmbeddableDocumentStore { RunInMemory = true };
Store.RegisterListener(new NoStaleQueriesAllowed());
// RegisterServicesWithNinject is in the project where the indexes live
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(RegisterServicesWithNinject).Assembly, Store);
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(RavenInMemorySlowRunner).Assembly, Store);
if (Session == null)
Session = Store.OpenSession();
return Session;
OnCleanup subject = subject =>
Session.Advanced.DocumentStore.DatabaseCommands.DeleteByIndex("AllDocumentsById", new IndexQuery());
The Test
public class CurrentSiteModelServiceSpecs : WithSubject<CurrentSiteModelService>
Establish that = () =>
// use the raven in memory runner since
// we are using lots of raven magic in this service
With(new RavenInMemorySlowRunner());
/// <summary>
/// Determine Site Model for Dev
/// </summary>
public class When_Determining_SiteModel_for_dev : CurrentSiteModelServiceSpecs
public static SiteViewModel _siteViewModelResult;
public static IHttpCookie _cookie;
Because of = () =>
_siteViewModelResult = Subject.DetermineSiteModelForDevEnvironment();
public class And_Cookie_not_set : When_Determining_SiteModel_for_dev
It returns_null = () =>
public class And_Cookie_set : When_Determining_SiteModel_for_dev
Establish that = () =>
_cookie = An<IHttpCookie>();
_cookie.Value = "site/123";
.WhenToldTo(x => x.GetCookie(".CMS3DevSite"))
var site1 = new SiteModel{ Id = "site/123", HostName = "foo" };
var site2 = new SiteModel{ Id = "site/456", HostName = "bar" };
It loads_site = () =>
public class And_Cookie_set_but_site_does_not_exist : When_Determining_SiteModel_for_dev
Establish that = () =>
_cookie = An<IHttpCookie>();
_cookie.Value = "site/123";
.WhenToldTo(x => x.GetCookie(".CMS3DevSite"))
It returns_null = () =>
The Service I'm testing
public interface ICurrentSiteModelService { RedirectToResult SetSiteModel(string path, Uri url); }
public class CurrentSiteModelService : ICurrentSiteModelService
readonly IDocumentSession _documentSession;
readonly ICookieService _cookieService;
public CurrentSiteModelService(
IDocumentSession documentSession,
ICookieService cookieService)
_documentSession = documentSession;
_cookieService = cookieService;
// cruft removed here
// load site in dev mode based on cookie.
internal SiteViewModel DetermineSiteModelForDevEnvironment()
var cookie = _cookieService.GetCookie(".CMS3DevSite");
if (cookie != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(cookie.Value))
SiteViewModel site = _documentSession.
Query<SiteViewModel, SiteViewIndex>()
.Where(s => s.Id == cookie.Value)
if (site != null)
return site;
return null;