I'm trying to build a webpage in classic ASP to check the status of a series of URLs.
My code is as follows:
Function TestSite(sURL)
UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+5.1)"
Set poster = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
poster.open "GET", sURL, false
poster.setRequestHeader "User-Agent",UserAgent
If poster.status = 200 Then
TestSite = poster.responseText
' ## ERROR ## '
TestSite = ""
End If
Set poster = Nothing
End Function
The URLs are all HTTPS with non-standard port numbers included (eg https://somedomain.com:4433/restofurl)
When I run the urls in a web browser, they load just fine, but when I put them through the above function I get:
A connection with the server could not be established
I've checked my function with the following alternatives: 1) A non secure URL - this works fine 2) A secure URL with no port specified - this works fine 3) A secure URL specifying port 443 - this works fine 4) A secure URL specifying port 443 on the target server - THIS works fine
On the basis of that, I'm as sure as I can be that my code is correct. Does anyone have any suggestions for further troubleshooting?
The problem proved to be related to our server being old (still running Win2003) and their setup being even more non-standard than the port numbers suggest!
The final solution was to host the code on some separate hosting (on a server running a more recent version of Windows). Not ideal, but at least we've got it working. (There is a server upgrade in our future, too - which will hopefully be the final solution.)