iOS6 Apple MapKit
So I understand the code in the link below for the most part.
However, how do I get the address for the mapItem? Seems like the other properties include: placemark, isCurrentLocation, name, phoneNumber, and url.
Basically, once the data is fetched, I'd like to display the name of the retail location as the cell.text and the address as cell.detailText.
mapItem.placemark.thoroughfare.copy, // Will return first single line address
mapItem.placemark.locality, // Will return City
mapItem.placemark.administrativeArea //Will return State.
Below are some more:
CLPlacemark | Property Meaning
Thoroughfare | Street address. First line if multiple lines.
subThoroughfare | Street address, second line (e.g., apartment or unit number, box number)
Locality | City
SubLocality | This might contain a neighborhood or landmark name, though it’s often nil
administrativeArea | State, province, territory, or other similar unit
dministrativeArea | County
postalCode | ZIP code
Country | Country
countryCode | Two-digit ISO country code