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Add column/custom field in MS Project .mpp file programmatically

I am using following code to create the .mpp file programmatically. This create a MS project file with default fields (Task Mode, Task Name, Duration...). I want to add a custom column/fields with name "MYCustom Field" in this new created file. Can any body guide me how to accomplish this.

Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.Application projectApplication = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.Application();

projectApplication.Visible = false;

Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.Project ProjectSheet projectApplication.Projects.Add(missing, missing, missing);

projectApplication.ActiveProject.SaveAs("test.mpp", Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.PjFileFormat.pjMPP, missing, missing);


  • If you work with mpp files only then "Add a custom field" means pick one of standard custom fields: Text1-32, Duration1-.., Date1-.., Number1-.., Flag1-.. depending on what type of your data and assign your own label to the field.

    To do that you should use Table.TableField.Add method. Here is a link to MSDN. Table is a grid on the left in the MS Project.

    You can either redefine one of standard tables Available through Application.Tables or create your own using Application.TableCopy Application.TableApply.

    From my experience common rule about MS Project Programming: try to find dedicated object for what you need and if there is no such object - check Application.