Ok, so I'm working on a project using IntelliJ and trying to take advantage of its cucumber functionality. I've not worked with the java flavour of cucumber, but IntelliJ seems to want the step definition files in a specific location, relative to the feature files.
I found this: how to define step definitions location for cucumber in intelliJ 12 and other sources that pointed me to been able to add the "glue" property of my run configurations which tells cuke which package to find the step file. So I am at a point where I can run my tests via IDEA. BUT I need to set this every time I run a new test, as Ctrl+Alt+F10 or right click+run test will not start the test with this flag. Also, the ide support is screwed as IDEA doesn't know where the steps are, it doesn't auto complte or Ctrl+Click navigate to steps.
Is there a way to the the IDEA project to always look for steps in a given package both when running the tests and for its auto complete?
Creating self answer for others who might have this problem. My project did not have the steps marked as test source root, and although I DID do this, it was not until I closed and reopened my project that they were picked up. So a simple restart was my answer.