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Compiler error when specifying main class in Akka microkernel?

Here's my project definition in my Build.scala. When I go to run sbt run or sbt dist I get the same compiler error of not found: value distMainClass. It's quite annoying since I checked the akka-microkernel-plugin project to find distMainClass right there in release 2.0. I'm using 2.0.5, and it exists in 2.1.0, too.

lazy val ServiceKernel = Project(
    id = "tracker-kernel",
    base = file("."),
    settings = defaultSettings ++ AkkaKernelPlugin.distSettings ++ Seq(
      libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.serviceKernel,
      distJvmOptions in Dist := "-Xms512M -Xmx2G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2",
      outputDirectory in Dist := file("target/s.Tracker-dist"),
      distMainClass in Dist := "namespace.ServiceKernel" //says not found

Any ideas as to the source of the issue? Thanks!


  • As we found out the issue was that you've forgot to import missing setting like:

    import akka.sbt.AkkaKernelPlugin.distMainClass