So I have an Entity Framework 5 model that includes a many-to-many relationship.
CategoryValues --< CourseCategoryValues >-- Courses
I have a LINQ query that selects every Course
in the database. I would really like to modify it to only select Courses
that belong to a specific CategoryValue
. My attempt thus far has failed?
Can anyone help me figure this out?
This is what I have tried:
Using database As SiteDataContext = New SiteDataContext
database.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = False
query = (From c In database.Courses Select c Order By c.Name).Where(
Function(c) 0 < c.Classes.Where(Function([class]) [class].Status.ToLower = "open").Count
).Include(Function(r) r.Classes).Include(Function(r) r.CourseCategoryValues)
' Here is where I am trying to narrow down the query results
If (pid.HasValue) AndAlso (0 <> pid.Value) Then
query.Where(Function(c) c.CourseCategoryValues.Any(Function(v) v.CategoryValue.CategoryValueID = pid))
End If
model.PageData = query.ToList
End Using
I think you are only missing the assignment of the filter to the query variable. Where
returns a new queryable, it doesn't modify the queryable you apply the Where
to. So, you would need:
query = query.Where(...)
The Where
expression itself looks correct to me.