i'am new to g-wan and i'am so confused
i want to know how to make mybb and wordpress and any php script work with g-wan
and if there are any tool to convert apache htaccess to g-wan
thank you
how to make mybb and wordpress and any php script work with g-wan
The Web servers that support PHP are running PHP through fastCGI and require Apache-like configuration files.
G-WAN was designed with other constraints in mind (zero-configuration, low-latency, etc.) and this is why it has been designed differently - to serve other needs.
any tool to convert apache htaccess to g-wan
A G-WAN handler could easily enforce htaccess policies, with an even higher level of control since it would be done programmatically (therefore being able to take dynamic parameters into account like server load, sophisticated client IP address filters, etc.).
This question illustrates how G-WAN (an app. server like GlassFish, Tuxedo or Tomcat) was rather designed as a tool for programmers while Web servers like Apache are mainly designed to serve the needs of Webmasters.