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pimpl idiom and template class friend

I'm trying to use the pimpl idiom to hide some grungy template code, but I can't give derived classes of the body class friend access to the handle class. I get an error C2248 from MSVC 9 sp1. Here's some code to duplicate the error:

// interface.hpp
namespace internal{
    template<class T>
    class specific_body;

class interface
    struct body;
    body *pbody_;
    interface(body *pbody);

    template<class T>
    friend class internal::specific_body;



    interface(const interface &rhs);

    bool test() const;

    static interface create( bool value );

// interface.cpp
struct interface::body
    virtual ~body(){}

    virtual bool test() const = 0;

    virtual interface::body *clone() const = 0;

class true_struct {};
class false_struct {};

namespace internal {

template< class T>
class specific_body : public interface::body
{ // C2248


    virtual bool test() const;

    virtual interface::body *clone() const
        return new specific_body();

bool specific_body<true_struct>::test() const
    return true;

bool specific_body<false_struct>::test() const
    return false;

} //namespace internal

interface::interface(body *pbody) : pbody_(pbody) {}

interface::interface(const interface &rhs) : pbody_(rhs.pbody_->clone()) {}

interface::~interface() { delete pbody_; }

bool interface::test() const
    return pbody_->test();

interface interface::create(bool value )
    if ( value )
        return interface(new internal::specific_body<true_struct>());
        return interface(new internal::specific_body<false_struct>());

// main.cpp
// #include "interface.hpp"

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    interface object( interface::create(true));

    if ( object.test() )
        // blah
    return 0;

Any help would be appreciated, I'm trying to hide interface::body and specific_body implementations from the users of interface if that's not obvious from my question.


  • Well, I was able to "solve" this problem by making the body a public declaration in the interface. That solves the C2248 error during the declaration of the specific_body. I also made the body a friend to the interface class and added a method to the body struct:

    static interface create( body *pbody )
        return interface(pbody);

    so that a specific_body can create an interface if there is a nested relationship between instances of specific_body