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Exporting a chart as image using lazy-highcharts gem

I am able to generate the charts using lazy highcharts but i want those charts to exported as images , here is my code which I am using to generate the charts

@fields= ReportHistory.all_history
@h ='graph') do |f|
f.chart(:renderTo => 'container', :zoomType => 'x',:spacingRight=> 20)
    f.title(:text => 'Reports')
    f.xAxis(:title=>{:text => 'Days'}, :categories =>{|x|x.Date}.last(limit=15))
    f.yAxis(:title=>{:text=> 'Jobs_count', :type =>'integer' ,:max => 5000000})
    f.series(:name =>'jobs_count', :data=>{|x| x.jobs_count.to_i }.last(limit=15))
    f.export(:type=> 'image/jpeg')

and in my view I to show the chart I have this

<%= high_chart("my_id", @h) %>

I want to have the effect like here where I can download the chart image using the export button.


  • First, you need to ensure that the export module is available and loaded by your view:

    <%= javascript_include_tag "vendor/highcharts/highcharts.js" %>
    <%= javascript_include_tag "vendor/highcharts/modules/exporting.js" %>

    Second... there's nothing to do. As soon as the exporting modul is loaded, it will add the menu to export your graph.


    • You may need to adapt the paths depending on your setup.
    • The exporting.js is part of the package you download from Highcharts.