I have stuck in a strange situation, I have a code to fetch albums from flickr. test.php
$all_album_list = $f->photosets_getList($user_flickr_id);
print_r("Total Albums".sizeof($all_album_list['photoset']));
when i hit this in the browser it show me that i have 43 albums and first album name is 66 / part 3
and creates object on s3 with the name of 66 / part 3
But when the same i run on shell
#php -q /var/www/web1/test.php
When i hit this code runs fine just it shows me that i have 39 Albums and the name of first album is 66 while i have no album with the name of 66, there is result difference from CLI and browser,
running with php -q
result is different but when i run on CLI with Wget
then the result is accurate and same as browser.
What could be the reason of this problem.
Check your scripts permission issue, is it same as web browser and also check your PHP Version from command line Using PHP -v and also from browser using phpinfo() method, If you have different versions this may be the reason.