I'm working on buddypress custom subscription form.
At the moment accounts are created just after filling the membership form, it means, a lot of accounts are created without paying. We want to clean up this mess.
I'd like to move account to be created at the end of the payment step.
$anyerrors = $error->get_error_code();
if(is_wp_error($error) && !empty($anyerrors)) {
$messages = $error->get_error_messages();
$content .= '<p class="error" id="reg-error" style="display: block;">';
$content .= implode('<br/>', $messages);
$content .= '</p>';
// Show the page so that it can display the errors
$content = $this->output_registeruser( $content, $_POST );
} else {
$content = $this->output_paymentpage( $user_id );
// everything seems fine (so far), so we have our queued user so let's
// run the bp complete signup action
do_action( 'bp_complete_signup' );
// display the payment forms
if(!headers_sent()) {
$content = $this->output_paymentpage( $user_id ); this line is responsible for redirecting to PayPal.
do_action( 'bp_complete_signup' ); This one is for creating account.
I want to know if there is any way to get 'reply' with true/false from PayPal if payment is completed or not.
How to do it in proper way?
Thanks in advance, Adam
Use Paypal IPN. It will make a request with POST data about payment to a specified url with a payment status. You can create a user in that file if the payment is successful.
More info here: https://www.paypal.com/ipn