I'm using Terminal-IDE as my development environment. (Google code site here.)
I'm running Terminal-IDE v 2.02 - the very latest. My Android versions are:
I'm in a suitable development directory with a simple enough c source code file ready and run 'make'.
I have never yet gotten any compilation to work successfully. Most likely, there's a version mis-match with regard to what executable is available versus what the software is looking for.
Here's the command and error message:
terminal-gcc -c -Wall -I/data/data/com.spartacusrex.spartacuside/files/local/include tester.c -o tester.o
/data/data/com.spartacusrex.spartacuside/files/system/bin/terminal-gcc[43]: arm-eabi-gcc: not found
make: *** [tester.o] Error 127
Snafu, of course. I'm not at all sure how to find out what the right compiler file name(s) should be because, on this non-rooted phone, I don't have permissions to hunt through the PATH and find the actual executables.
It may also be that PATH is set wrong. All input appreciated.
...I'm not sure what's supposed to happen, but I found in the Terminal-IDE directory tree the file:
I also found that terminal-gcc is a bash script. Looking inside it seemed to say that a gcc tree should exist in "$HOME", which is the installation directory. So, I unzipped, then un-tarred the file identified above and put the resulting directory tree as a top-level subdirectory.
Well well, what do you know? Success.
I went a little further and created soft links to the actual compiler in ~/bin for both gcc and just cc, and suddenly all my previously created "Makefile" scripts used in other projects I wanted to move over started working perfectly.
Apparently, even though I thought I'd done it right, I overlooked running this script:
It extracts the tar, like I did, but does not create the links you may need.
Hey, if you're glad I got here before you, give it a thumbs up!