After reading confused about onclick event on noscript tag.
Anybody knows the purpose?
If there is no purpose, why the hell they keep it?
Thanks for any answers in advance.
The DOM 0 events are inherited by most html elements, I just don't think they did anything to prevent noscript
from inheriting those, and those would be useless indeed. I would not recommend using w3schools as a reference exactly for this purpose, because it does incorporate bad practices and sometimes the information is inaccurate, unclear and/or confusing.
the #events it owns:
<!ENTITY % events
"onclick %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer button was clicked --
ondblclick %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer button was double clicked--
onmousedown %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer button was pressed down --
onmouseup %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer button was released --
onmouseover %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer was moved onto --
onmousemove %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer was moved within --
onmouseout %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer was moved away --
onkeypress %Script; #IMPLIED -- a key was pressed and released --
onkeydown %Script; #IMPLIED -- a key was pressed down --
onkeyup %Script; #IMPLIED -- a key was released --"