Say I have this:
trait Animal {
type Species
I can easily enough write a function that only takes two animals of the same species
def breed(a: Animal, b: Animal)(implicit evidence: a.Species =:= b.Species) = ???
but I want to create a class with the same sort of constraint:
class Bed(a: Animal, b: Animal)(implicit evidence: a.Species =:= b.Species)
but it won't compile. I've tried a few combinations of trying to use traits with stable identifiers and constraints and what not, but no matter what I do -- I seem to always end up with problems
trait Bed {
type T
def a: Animal { type Species = T }
def b: Animal { type Species = T }
object Bed {
def apply(a1: Animal, b1: Animal)(implicit ev: a1.Species =:= b1.Species) = new Bed {
type T = b1.Species
def a = a1 // this line won't compile, as the compiler can't see the two species are equal ?
def b = b1
You can express the constraint via a type argument on Bed.apply instead of via a type equality constraint,
object Bed {
def apply[T1](
a1: Animal { type Species = T1 },
b1: Animal { type Species = T1 }) = new Bed {
type T = T1
def a = a1
def b = b1
This can be made a little terser with the aid of a type alias,
type AnimalAux[S] = Animal { type Species = S }
object Bed {
def apply[T1](a1: AnimalAux[T1], b1: AnimalAux[T1]) =
new Bed {
type T = T1
def a = a1
def b = b1
Sample REPL session,
scala> trait Dog
defined trait Dog
scala> val tigger = new Animal { type Species = Dog }
tigger: Animal{type Species = Dog} = $anon$1@64bd8f9c
scala> val zebedee = new Animal { type Species = Dog }
zebedee: Animal{type Species = Dog} = $anon$1@61f2bf35
scala> Bed(tigger, zebedee)
res0: Bed{type T = Dog} = Bed$$anon$1@2b0ce330
scala> val b = Bed(tigger, zebedee)
b: Bed{type T = Dog} = Bed$$anon$1@681c81de