This approach;
Route::get('admin/user/delete/(:any)', array('as' => 'username', 'uses' => 'admin@user_delete_process'));
public function action_user_delete_process($username)
$result = User::find($username)->delete();
Do I need to worry about injections?
Generally speaking, ORM's handle all of the escaping. Unless you're passing in raw SQL queries, you should be fine without escaping your inputs. To confirm, I dug through Laravel's code, and came across the execute()
method, which indeed utilizes PDO::prepare
/** laravel/database/connection.php, lines 219-278 */
protected function execute($sql, $bindings = array())
/* ... */
$statement = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
$start = microtime(true);
$result = $statement->execute($bindings);
// If an exception occurs, we'll pass it into our custom exception
// and set the message to include the SQL and query bindings so
// debugging is much easier on the developer.
catch (\Exception $exception)
$exception = new Exception($sql, $bindings, $exception);
throw $exception;
/* ... */