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Having trouble with Simulator but not device

Im using the latest ios 6.1 on both phone and simulator. On the phone everything works fine, but when I go to the simulator it's not. The worst error is the segues. I'm performing a segue like this:

[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"ToLogin" sender:self];

On the phone it's fine but in the simulator I get the NSInvalidArgumentException which tells me that i have no segue with identifier "ToLogin", which i've checked I have on the storyboard (and phone is working)

Also when I change the initial view controller it doesn't matter on the simulator, I always go to the same place.

Any thoughts on what could be wrong and how to fix it?


  • Try restoring the simulator. iPhone Simulator > Delete all Content and Settings. This often works when having unexplainable sim errors.