Route::get('admin/user/add', function()
if (!Input::has('submit'))
return View::make('theme-admin.user_add');
Normal GET request
to admin/user/add
shows the register form. However, when the form is submitted, I have to redirect it to action_user_add_process()
function of Admin controller
so I can save values to database.
The solution above doesn't work and I get 404's.
I call form action like this:
action="{{ URL::to('admin/user/add') }}">
How can I solve this issue?
Ps. If there is a shorter way to achieve this, let me know!
You need to specify that you are redirecting to a controller action using the to_action()
method of Redirect.
return Redirect::to_action('admin@user_add_process');
Alternatively, you could just use this URL that doesnt even use the route you created making the if/else irrelevant.
{{ URL::to_action('admin@user_add_process') }}
On a third note, keeping your routes clean makes maintainence alot easier moving forward. As routes use a restful approach, take advantage of it. Using the same URL you can create and return the View with a GET request and submit forms with a POST request.
Route::get('admin/user/add', function() { ... }
Route::post('admin/user/add', function() { ... }
You can also have your routes automatically use a controller action like this:
Route::post('admin/user/add', 'admin@user_add_process');