When a certain form closes, I capture the formClosing
event to check if the user actually want's to close it.
However, I don't want this check carried out if 'Next >' is clicked, unless I know what button was checked, conformation is always sought.
Is there a way I can pass the button that the user clicekd to the confirm_exit()
function, so that if it was 'Next >' I can ignore the check and just retrun 'False'?
' Carries out actions when the user clicks the 'X' button to close the form
Private Sub btnX(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
Dim clicked As Button ' The button that the user clicked
clicked = ??? ' How do I get the button that was last clicked?
e.Cancel = confirm_exit(clicked)
End Sub
' Checks that the user does actually want to cancel the Music Renamer
Public Function confirm_exit(Optional clicked As Button = Nothing) As Boolean
' Ask the user if they are sure that they wish to cancel the Music Renamer
Dim cancel As String = MsgBox("The Music Renamer is not finished yet. Are you sure you wish to quit?", vbYesNo, "Are you sure?")
' Set confirm_exit to false by default
confirm_exit = False
' Check if the user clicked 'Next >', and exit the function if they did
If clicked.Name = "btnNext" Then Exit Function
' If the user is sure, close the Music Renamer form
If Not cancel = vbYes Then confirm_exit = True
End Function
There are many ways to approach this, but the simplest would be to add a verifyClosing
boolean field in your form class with an initial value of true
Whenever you want the form to close without confirmation then simply set verifyClosing = false
before calling the Close
method. Your closing event handler can check this value to decide what to do.