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Get CustomAttributeValue Properties Value as String Array

I want to get the PropertyValue of CustomAtrribute from all Class as String

Here is my Custom Attribute inherited from ExportAttribute


This attribute is attached on many class but with different parameters. First Parameter indicates ContractName and Second one say which Module it belongs to.

Now I want to get a dictionary

Dictionary<string, List<string>> moduleDict

with all ModuleName (2nd Parameter) and ContractName (1st Parameter), There can be classes with same module Name, so I need a List of Contract name with that Module Name

I am able to get all the JIMSExport attribute using Reflection but failed to generate the dictionary

var exported = GetTypesWith<JIMSExportAttribute>(false).Select(x => x.GetCustomAttributes(true).First());

Is there any better way of this doing using Caliburn Micro


  • maybe you are looking for something like this:

    namespace AttributePlayground
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                var moduleDict = makeModuleDict();
            public static Dictionary<string, List<string>> makeModuleDict()
                var attribs = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
                        x => x.GetTypes()
                                y => y.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JIMSExport), false)
                return attribs
                    .GroupBy(x => x.Module)
                        x => x.Key,
                        x => new List<String>(
                            x.Select(y => y.ContractName)
        [JIMSExport("Module1", "Contract1")]
        public class TestClass1
        [JIMSExport("Module1", "Contract2")]
        public class TestClass2
        [JIMSExport("Module2", "Contract3")]
        public class TestClass3
        [JIMSExport("Module2", "Contract4")]
        public class TestClass4
        [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = true)]
        sealed class JIMSExport : Attribute
            public readonly string ContractName;
            public readonly string Module;
            public JIMSExport(string Module,string ContractName)
                this.Module = Module;
                this.ContractName = ContractName;