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How to debug ruby plugins in SketchUp?

The only tip I got to debug ruby plugins in SketchUp is the use of puts.

I tried to launch SketchUp this way: sketchup.exe > log.txt 2> errors.txt, but it only shows logs / errors from SketchUp app, not from its plugins.

Does anyone knows how to:

  • Execute step by step inside SketchUp
  • Get an execution stack when a plugin crashes SketchUp
  • Any other idea that woul be helpfull to debug ruby plugins in this context


  • Update: As of SketchUp 2014 you can use Ruby IDE's to step through Ruby code. Follow the instructions at this GitHub repository: No more puts debugging!

    TBD has written and released a bridge to debug SketchUp Ruby plugins:

    That's probably what you're looking for. I haven't used it myself yet - so can't elaborate too much on it.

    I often use a call to the WIN32 api to OutputDebugString which allows me to see the output (in DebugView) I send to it regardless if SU craches - and it doesn't slow down the execution as much as outputting lots of stuff to the SketchUp Ruby Console:

    (I meant to give a direct link to the BitBucket source code, but the site is down a the moment. Repo: ) EDIT: Site back online - direct link:

    One could also reroute puts to OutputDebugString if you wanted a quick catch all solution.

    On a slight sidenote, there is also the Developers Tools utility released by the SketchUp team with an enhanced Ruby Console and unit test framework: