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Laravel: How to redirect a request to controller function and use View::make at the same time?

Route::get('admin', function()
     return View::make('theme-admin.main');

class Admin_Controller extends Base_Controller {

public function action_index()
    echo __FUNCTION__;

If I forward request to controller, then I have to define View::make in every function in controller. If I don't forward it, action function doesn't work.

Should I just forward requests to controller and use View::make inside action functions or there are better alternatives?


  • Actually isn't necessary to define View::make in every function of your controllers.

    You can, for example, execute an action and then redirect to another action, that could View::make.

    Let's say you want to create an user and then show its profile, in a RESTful way. You could do:

    # POST /users
    public function user_create()
        $user = User::create(...);
        // after you have created the user, redirect to its profile
        return Redirect::to_action('users@show', array($user->id));
        // you don't render a view here!
    # GET /users/1
    public function get_show($id)
        return View::make('');