I´m building an app on top of evernote-ios-sdk using ruby-motion. I can create tags and notes but when I try to do a search I get the error: domain=com.evernote.sdk, code=3 (EDAMErrorCode_PERMISSION_DENIED?). Is this a permission problem or a code problem? Below is my code with and without a resultSpec.
note_store = EvernoteNoteStore.noteStore
filter = EDAMNoteFilter.alloc.initWithOrder 0, ascending:false, words:nil, notebookGuid:nil, tagGuids:nil, timeZone:nil, inactive:false, emphasized:nil
note_store.findNotesWithFilter filter, offset:0, maxNotes:10, success: notes_loaded, failure: output_error
spec = EDAMNotesMetadataResultSpec.alloc.initWithIncludeTitle false, includeContentLength:false, includeCreated:false, includeUpdated:false, includeUpdateSequenceNum:false, includeNotebookGuid:false, includeTagGuids:false, includeAttributes:false, includeLargestResourceMime:false, includeLargestResourceSize:false
note_store.findNotesMetadataWithFilter filter, offset:0, maxNotes:10, resultSpec:spec, success: notes_loaded, failure: output_error
When you created your API key, you probably asked for Basic access. You need full access to read notes. More info here. You can change it to full access here.