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DllNotFoundException while trying to "fix" LuaInterface, but why?

Since my game, which I'd really like to be Mono-usable, does not seem to run under Linux because LuaInterface is being a jerk (see the the relevant SO thread for more on that), I've decided to do what's suggested there. I wrote my own Lua511.LuaDLL class to reflect the one used by LuaInterface, replacing every single public function with its respective DllImport from lua51:

//For example, like this:
public static extern IntPtr luaL_newstate();

With the edited LuaInterface.dll (which now hosts its own Lua511.LuaDLL) and a pure, native Win32 lua51.dll in my game's startup folder, I somehow get a DllNotFoundException when LuaInterface tries initialize:

public Lua()
   luaState = LuaDLL.luaL_newstate(); //right there, right then.

Ofcourse, with the DLL right there it shouldn't do that, right? Strangely, putting back the messed-up .Net version of lua51.dll gives an EntryPointNotFoundException instead. The mind boggles.

So what's up with that?

Relevant source code: Lua511.cs, dropped it in the LuaInterface project, then removed the reference so it'd be replaced.

Edit: Screw this, I'm gonna look for alternatives. Or roll my own. Or just stop caring about Linux compatibility.


  • You referenced my question. I took the other way to solve the problem and started to develop a new Lua .NET interface. I called it Lua4Net.

    You can find the sources on Google hosting. And here the unit tests.

    Currently implemented features: Execute code with exception handling and provide the return values; register global functions with parameter handling.

    Features that will follow: Get/set global variables; debugging support, ...

    You can find the used native windows DLL here (it is the renamed VC++ 9.0 DLL from here).

    AND: Today I ran my first Linux/Mono tests, and all my unit tests worked!!!