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Procedure works as intended but error message still shows up

I've been attempting to learn programming with the book "Structures and Interpretation of Computer Programs. To do the exercises I've been using DrRacket (I couldn't find a scheme interpreter for Windows 7, and DrRacket seems pretty good), and haven't had any problems so far. But while doing exercise 1.22 I've ran into an issue. I've wrote a procedure that gives a given number (n) of prime numbers larger than a:

(define (search-for-primes a n)
  (define (sfp-iter a n counter)
    (cond ((and (prime? a) (= counter n))
           ((newline) (display "end")))
          ((prime? a)
            (display a)
            (sfp-iter (+ a 1) n (+ counter 1))))
          (else (sfp-iter (+ a 1) n counter))))
  (sfp-iter a n 0))

The procedure works as intended, displaying all that it should, but after displaying end it shows the following error message:

application: not a procedure; expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments given: # arguments...: #

And highlights the following line of code:

((newline) (display "end"))

What is the problem? (I apologize for any mistakes in spelling and so, English isn't my native language, I also apologize for any error in formatting or tagging, I'm new here)


  • You have a couple of parenthesis problems, this fixes it:

    (define (search-for-primes a n)
      (define (sfp-iter a n counter)
        (cond ((and (prime? a) (= counter n))
               (newline) (display "end"))
              ((prime? a)
               (display a)
               (sfp-iter (+ a 1) n (+ counter 1)))
              (else (sfp-iter (+ a 1) n counter))))
      (sfp-iter a n 0))

    In the first and second conditions of the cond, you were incorrectly surrounding the code with (). That's unnecessary, in a cond clause all the expressions that come after the condition are implicitly surrounded by a (begin ...) form, so there's no need to group them together.