I want to produce verifications to a true random number generator (TRNG) numbers generated by specific hardware, but I'm not used to this.
Firstly, I want to test the consistency of the True Random Number Generator (TRNG) via empiric methods (AKA, I want to check if they are really true random numbers (TRNs)); and I don't know if I can check this with formal methods.
Are there some specific lectures on this topic? What about some tips? Are there tools for this empiric method testing?
I'd suggest that you not try to duplicate existing tools, since it would be a lot of work. Marsaglia's Diehard tests should work, or you can use dieharder, which is a GPL reimplementation. From the webpage:
The primary point of dieharder (like diehard before it) is to make it easy to time and test (pseudo)random number generators, both software and hardware, for a variety of purposes in research and cryptography. The tool is built entirely on top of the GSL's random number generator interface and uses a variety of other GSL tools (e.g. sort, erfc, incomplete gamma, distribution generators) in its operation.