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How to make localized Paperclip attachments with Globalize3?

I have a project using Paperclip gem for attachments and Globalize3 for attribute translation. Records need to have a different attachment for each locale.

I though about moving Paperclip attributes to translation table, and that might work, but I don't think that would work when Paperclip needs to delete attachments.

What's the best way to achieve something like that?

UPDATE: to be clear, I want this because my client wants to upload different images for each locale.


  • Unfortunately I didn't find a way to do this using Globalize3. In theory, I could have added a separate model for image and add image_id to list of translated columns (to have something like MainModel -> Translation -> Image), but it seems that Globalize has some migration issues with non-string columns.

    Instead of using Globalize3, I did this with a separate Image model with locale attribute and main model which accepts nested attributes for it. Something along the lines of:

    class MainModel < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_many :main_model_images
      accepts_nested_attributes_for :main_model_images
      # return image for locale or any other as a fallback
      def localized_image(locale)
        promo_box_images.where(:locale => locale).first || promo_box_images.first
    class MainModelImage < ActiveRecord::Base
      belongs_to :main_model
      has_attached_file :image
      validates :locale,
        :presence => true,
        :uniqueness => { :scope => :main_model_id }

    Tricky part was getting form to accept nested attributes only for one image, instead of all images in has_many relation.

    =f.fields_for :main_model_images, @main_model.image_for_locale(I18n.locale) do |f_image|
      =f_image.hidden_field :locale
      =f_image.label :image