When i compile my code in ghci, there is no problem. It can compile correctly. However, if i try to compile it in hugs, I get the error "compiled code too complex". I think the problem is due to many |
If I change it to use if/else, there is no problem. I can add if/else statements 100 times but this will be very tiresome and annoying. Rather than that, I tried to put if/else statements after 20-30 |
conditions, but i cannot make |
work inside if statements like the below:
f x y z
| cond1 = e1
| cond2 = e2
if (1)
| cond30 = e30
| cond31 = e31
| cond61 = e61
| cond62 = e62
How can I fix the code with the least effort? The complete code is on hpaste because it is longer than StackOverflow's question size limit.
Firstly, you can rewrite
function input
| this && that && third thing && something else = ... -- you only actually needed brackets for (head xs)
| this && that && third thing && something different = ....
| this && that && a change && ...
| notthis && ....
function input | this = function2 input'
| notthis = function4 input'
function2 input | that = function3 input''
| notthat = ...
That should simplify your 200 lines of copo
code down, but it's still the wrong approach.
The 4 cases for dealing with operations that you deal with time after time could be replaced with one function, perhaps like:
operation :: Num a => Char -> a -> a -> a
operation x = case x of
'+' -> (+)
'-' -> (-)
'*' -> (*)
'/' -> (/)
_ -> error ("operation: expected an operation (+-*/) but got " ++ [c])
You should use some standard functions to help reduce all the single character checks into just grabbing as much number as is there. takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
, so
takeWhile isDigit "354*243" = "354"
takeWhile isDigit "+245" = ""
and there's the corresponding dropWhile
dropWhile isDigit "354*1111" = "*1111"
dropWhile isDigit "*1111" = "*1111"
So the most dramatic shortening of your code would be to start copo with
copo xs = let
numText = takeWhile isDigit xs
theRest = droWhile isDigit xs
num = read numText
in answer....
but there's a shortcut if you want both takeWhile
and dropWhile
, called span
, because span p xs == (takeWhile p xs, dropWhile p xs)
copo xs = let
(numText,theRest) = span isDigit xs
num = read numText
in answer....
You deal with 234
then 234*56
then 234*56/23
then ....
You could replace this with a recursive call to copo
, or produce a tree. This depends on whether you're supposed to obey the normal operator precedence (* or / before + or -) or not.