Having this property to get the instance of the class jinja2
def jinja2(self):
# Returns an instance of :class:`Jinja2` from the app registry.
return jinja2.get_jinja2(app=self.app)
Reference : http://webapp-improved.appspot.com/api/webapp2_extras/jinja2.html
I'm able to see that the returning class has the module Templates but I don't know how to import it.
I want to be able to load this module out of the returning class so I can do something like: temp = Template('{{name}}')
Help is appreciated!!!
This is what I did.
values = { 'name' : 'user1791567' }
import sys
mod = sys.modules['jinja2.environment']
_template = mod.Template('{{name}}')
self.jinja2.render_template(_template, **values)
And worked!!!..