I have a potential client that will be sending data in EDI to us and we need to setup a AS2 endpoint to recieve/request data.
How would I do this in ruby on rails?
See specification here: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4130.txt
I will need to program it to permutation 12 on page 8 of the doc: Sender sends encrypted and signed data and requests a signed receipt. Receiver sends back the signed receipt.
Has anyone written a gem for this?
I found this solution in php: http://search.cpan.org/~swong/Net-AS2-0.01/lib/Net/AS2.pm
Receiving AS2 is a server thing. AFAICS the recipe is a client? There are open source AS2 implementations, and commercial ones. Open source: eg OpenAS, mendelson AS2