I've the following code in my displayandmove.as file:
package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class FigureConstruct extends MovieClip { public function displayandmove() { this.height = stage.stageHeight/5; this.width = stage.stageWidth/5; } } }
And I have the following on frame 1 of my displayandmove.fla:
var figure:FigureConstruct = new FigureConstruct(); stage.addChild(figure); figure.x = stage.stageWidth/2; figure.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
These files are in the same directory. In my FLA library I have my figure MovieClip and it ha a Class of "FigureConstruct" and base class of "flash.display.MovieClip".
Currently the code above works fine because I figured out that if I execute the object size code as a construct -- using the file name as the function name -- it works.
What I originally intended to do was to have my function named "sizeFigure()" in my AS file and then call "figure.sizeFigure();" after "stage.addChild(figure);" on frame 1 of my FLA.
This output
Error #1006: value is not a function.
Can anyone explain what I am missing to get this to execute as a function rather than as a constructor?
I thought maybe I am goofing up when I set my Class and Base Class pointers for the library object... but not sure.
PS - Sorry if I am misusing terms, still nailing those down as I go.
Edit: Below is the original code that does not seem to work until after I changed the name of my function to the name of the file, making it the class constructor. The above version works, below does not.
package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class FigureConstruct extends MovieClip { public function sizeFigure() { this.height = stage.stageHeight/5; this.width = stage.stageWidth/5; } } }
var figure:FigureConstruct = new FigureConstruct(); stage.addChild(figure); figure.sizeFigure(); figure.x = stage.stageWidth/2; figure.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
Error #1006: value is not a function
This error is occurring somewhere else in your code. Does that class have a property (function get/set) by the name value
? And are you trying to access it as a function? Check your code for value()
and replace it with value