Hi does anyone know if there are any inbuilt classes for resolving a bound object from a bindingexpression and it's DataItem and property path?
I'm attempting to write a Blend 3 behavior for textboxes which automatically invokes methods on an object bound to the textbox Text property.
The textbox is bound to a property on a viewmodel class. What I want to do is resolve the viewmodel class from the binding expression and then make calls on this.
I first retrieve the binding expression from the behavior's associated object like so:
private BindingExpression GetTextBinding()
return this.AssociatedObject.GetBindingExpression(TextBox.TextProperty);
Having done this, if we look at the binding expression, we can see it has a reference to the data context via the binding expression's DataItem property.
In addition, we have the relative path of the property which is bound on the binding expression's parent binding.
So, we can get this information:
var bindingExpression = GetTextBinding();
object dataContextItem = bindingExpression.DataItem;
PropertyPath relativePropertyPath = bindingExpression.ParentBinding.Path;
Now, this property path could potentially be a deeply nested and complex path, which I would very much like to avoid having to (re?)implement resolution of. I've searched around the .NET documentation and bounced around the assemblies with reflector, all to no avail - I can't find what surely must exist - there's got to be some class which performs the resolution of the path for the dataitem (the data context).
Does anyone know where this might exist? Any suggestions for alternative ways of resolving the bound object?
Note, I'm trying to get at the bound object which is the parent of the bound property (the string in this case) - I can obviously easily get at the bound value, but it's the parent I need.
Thanks in advance for any help! Phil
Below is a quick implementation for an extension method that will do just what you are looking for. I couldn't find anything related to this either. The method below will always return null if for some reason the value cannot be found. The method won't work when the path includes []. I hope this helps!
public static T GetValue<T>(this BindingExpression expression, object dataItem)
if (expression == null || dataItem == null)
return default(T);
string bindingPath = expression.ParentBinding.Path.Path;
string[] properties = bindingPath.Split('.');
object currentObject = dataItem;
Type currentType = null;
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
currentType = currentObject.GetType();
PropertyInfo property = currentType.GetProperty(properties[i]);
if (property == null)
currentObject = null;
currentObject = property.GetValue(currentObject, null);
if (currentObject == null)
return (T)currentObject;