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Reloading SolrCloud configuration (stored on Zookeeper) - schema.xml

I have setup a SolrCloud replication using standalone zookeeper. But now I wish to make some changes to my Schema.xml and reload the core. The problem is that when I run a single server Solr (no solrcloud) the new schema is loaded, but I do not know how to reload schema on all the replication server. I tried reloading the schema on one of the server with no desired impact. Is there a way in which I can reload my schema.xml in Solr in distributed replication setup which uses zookeeper.


  • Just found the solution we need to push the changed configuration to zookeeper ensemble.

    Just use

    sh -cmd upconfig -zkhost  -collection collection1 -confname myconf -solrhome ../solr -confdir ../solr/collection1/conf
 is present under example/cloud-scripts