I have a database with a EAV structure, having this tables :
Entity (id, name)
Attribute (id, name)
AttributeValue(fk_id_entity, fk_id_attribute, value)
What I want to do is translate this following query in Propel:
SELECT entity.name, avx.value, avy.value
FROM Entity entity
INNER JOIN AttributeValue avx ON (avx.fk_id_entity = entity.id
AND avx.name = 'X')
INNER JOIN AttributeValue avy ON (avy.fk_id_entity = entity.id
AND avy.name = 'Y')
Any idea how could I do this in Popel? Thank you!
LE: The ideea is that each entity has two attributes X and Y, and I would like to display a list of all entities along with their X and Y attributes.
What it actually worked is the following:
$result = Entity_EntityQuery::create()
->withColumn('alias1.value', 'xvalue')
->withColumn('alias2.value', 'yvalue')
->filterbyFkAttribute('x attribute id')
->filterbyFkAttribute('y attribute id')
Thanks everybody for viewing and replying!