If on a login screen user submits a form with their username and password, the password is sent in plain text (even with POST, correct me if I am wrong).
What is the right way to protect the user and his password against the third party who might be eavesdropping on the communication data?
I am aware that HTTPS is a solution to the problem, but is there any way to ensure at least some level of security using the standard HTTP protocol (POST request)? (perhaps using javascript in some way)
What I was about was a page - that is a PHP-generated login page, which is of course sent to users in HTTP GET request as an HTML file. There is no (@Jeremy Powel) connection established between the server and the client so I can't create such a handshaking protocol. And I want the complete process to be transparent to the user - he wants to submit a password, not deal with cryptography.
Using HTTP with SSL will make your life much easier and you can rest at ease. Very smart people (smarter than me at least!) have scrutinized this method of confidential communication for years.