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Hooking up multiple RGB LEDs while using a minimal number of PWM pins on an Arduino?

I currently have an anode RGB connected to the 11, 10, & 9 PWM pins on my arduino. However I would like to add 3 more LED's to my project, but I don't want to necessarily take up every single PWM pin. Is there a way for me to hook up all 4 LED's while using the minimum number of pins? Keep in mind that I do want to use all 12 resistors for the 4 LEDS. Oh and all the LEDs will do the exact same thing (They all will be red, and all turn blue, etc) if that helps.

Here's how my board looks right now:

enter image description here

If anyone could help me out, that would be awesome!!!! Appreciate the help!

P.S. I attached the .fzz file so that if any of you would like to edit the schematic image, it would be super easy. click here.


  • if there are all doing always the same, just connect them parallel, which means that you just put your second LED into the breadboard right under the existing one.

    If that is to much power consumption wit 4 LEDs you have to use a transistor as amplifier. I would like to send youo a schematic, but I have no software to draw such. However, using a transistor to amplify the arduino output is quite a common thing...

    Hope I could help!