Now that git subtree has been merged into the core git distribution (its also on Msysgit as of 1.8.0), does anyone know if git svn works with git subtree?
Note: I am not talking about the subtree merge strategy, but about this.
Git submodules cannot be used directly when you are using git svn. Instead, it requires another level of indirection. In addition, the git subtree workflow is more convenient when you're tracking third party respositories, which is something that happens when you use svn too.
My question is, how do I find out if git subtree has any issues when used with git svn?
I am currently using it. The only issue (or side effect) I noticed, is that if I dcommit into the svn the merge from the subtree is committed as one single commit (like squash); so you will loose the history of the subtree commits in the svn repo.