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Howto programmatically get the default template on Openoffice writer

How do i get the default template for openoffice writer programmatically?

What is the equivalent to the following code for openoffice:

var word = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
string template = word.NormalTemplate.FullName;


  • The only way i could do that is by creating a new blank document then read its template that was used to create it, although i was expecting such a property on application level, hope this helps others:

    private XComponentContext oStrap = uno.util.Bootstrap.bootstrap();    
    XMultiServiceFactory oServMan = (XMultiServiceFactory) oStrap.getServiceManager();
    XComponentLoader oDesk = (XComponentLoader) oServMan.createInstance("");
    string url = @"private:factory/swriter";
    PropertyValue[] propVals = new PropertyValue[0];
    XComponent oDoc = oDesk.loadComponentFromURL(url, "_null", 0, propVals);
    var DefaultTemplate = ((XDocumentPropertiesSupplier)oDoc).getDocumentProperties().TemplateURL;