I am new to working with mongodb & mongoid.. This is a rails app that was on mongoid 2 at some pont and have since moved to mongoid 3
I am trying to run the migrations, one of which has the following
Assessment.collection.update({'result_access' => {'$exist' => false}}, {'$set' => {'result_access' => 'all'}}, {:multi => true})
I am unsure how to update this for mongoid 3
First you have to find your selector, let rephrase you code
Assessment.collection.update({'result_access' => {'$exist' => false}}, {'$set' => {'result_access' => 'all'}}, {:multi => true})
Assessment.collection.find('result_access' => {'$exist' => false}).update({'$set' => {'result_access' => 'all'}, {:multi => true})
Or more general: