I need to configure a RESTful style URL that support the following URL scheme:
I want to use the MethodDispatcher so that each of the above can have GET/POST/PUT/DELETE functions. I have it working for the first and second, but can't figure out how to configure the dispatcher for the children portion. I have the book, but it barely covers this and I can't find any sample online.
Here is how I have the MethodDispatcher configured currently.
root = Root()
conf = {'/' : {'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher()}}
cherrypy.quickstart(root, '/parent', config=conf)
Any help would be appreciated.
http://tools.cherrypy.org/wiki/RestfulDispatch might be what you're looking for.
In CherryPy 3.2 (just now coming out of beta), there will be a new _cp_dispatch
method you can use in your object tree to do the same thing, or even alter traversal as it happens, somewhat along the lines of Quixote's _q_lookup
and _q_resolve
. See https://bitbucket.org/cherrypy/cherrypy/wiki/WhatsNewIn32#!dynamic-dispatch-by-controllers