I'm having trouble figuring out how to loop over the results of a ThinkingSphinx search that has been set to group_by
. I currently have the following:
search = Event.search(
group_by: 'category_id',
group_function: :attr
search.each_with_groupby_and_count do |event, group, count|
puts [event, group, count].join(' - ')
This, however, only returns one record per category. It seems like the group and count values are correct, but I only get the first Event of each category, which I would have expected to be all the events in the group. Is it possible to get an array of Hashes or similar? Furthermore, if this is possible, would the per_page
option be per group?
I would expect each_with_group_and_count to iterate over something like this:
{group: 1, hits: [Event1, Event2], count: 2},
{group: 2: hits: [Event3], count: 1}
I'm afraid Sphinx's grouping functionality doesn't behave in that matter - it only returns one document (in this situation, one event) per group value.
It may be more appropriate to just sort by category_id instead, and track when it changes as you iterate over it (or use Enumerable#group_by
to group all events by category_id) - keep in mind that Sphinx paginates results, so you may want to increase the default page size (with :per_page
) depending on how you're using these results.