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How to avoid `missing type` error while chaining partial functions

I'm currently studying Scala & Akka and developing test application for it. In this application almost all actors log unhandled messages for ease of debug:


class TestActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  def receive: Receive = {
    case Some(value) => // do something...
    case msg => log.debug("Unhandled message: {}.", msg)

As I said, such code exists almost in all of my agents and I started to think about moving it into a trait:

trait LogUnhandled { this: Actor with ActorLogging =>
  def logUnhandled: Receive = {
    case msg => log.debug("Unhandled message: {}.", msg)

and using it after like

class TestActor extends Actor with ActorLogging with LogUnhandled {
  def receive: Receive = {
    case Some(value) => // do something...
  } orElse logUnhandled

I was wondering mostly if structural subtyping will allow me do that or TestActor#Receive and LogUnhadled#Receive would be different types, but even before that I've got

error: missing parameter type for expanded function
The argument types of an anonymous function must be fully known. (SLS 8.5)
Expected type was: ?

And for now I could not figure how to avoid this other than by moving first {...} block into separate function:

class TestActor extends Actor with ActorLogging with LogUnhandled {
  def doReceive: Receive = {
    case Some(value) => // do something...

  def receive: Receive = doReceive orElse logUnhandled

Latter will do, of course, but it is kinda 'missing the point' and inflicts some other side effects like 'think about appropriate function name instead of receive'...

So I wonder: is it possible to avoid 'missing type parameter error' by somehow declaring (Any) => Unit function signature 'in place'?


  • class TestActor extends Actor with ActorLogging with LogUnhandled {
      def receive = ({
        case Some(value) => // do something...
      }: Receive) orElse logUnhandled

    Also take a look at this. LoggingReceive lets you do sth like the following:

    class A extends Actor {
       def receive = LoggingReceive {
          case msg => ...

    And all accepted/rejected messages are going to be published to the debug stream.