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WPF Get Current selection in FlowDocumentScrollViewer into CommandParameter

Trying to get selected text in a flow viewer to a command as a parameter

 <FlowDocumentScrollViewer Name="_OutputBox">
       <FlowDocument.ContextMenu >
               <MenuItem Header="New"
                  Command="{Binding AddDefaultTriggerCommand}" 
                  CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=_OutputBox, Path=Selection}">

In the model class:

 private RelayCommand<System.Windows.Documents.TextSelection> _AddDefaultTriggerCommand;

 public ICommand AddDefaultTriggerCommand
         this._AddDefaultTriggerCommand = new RelayCommand<TextSelection>(

The problem is that in the parameter passed into the handler is always null:

 private void AddDefaultTriggerCommandExecuted(System.Windows.Documents.TextSelection parameter)...

Am I missing something? How does the standard windows Copy command get the selected text?


  • Yes, because you didn't pass the parameter. Add a lambda expression and it should work:

    this._AddDefaultTriggerCommand = new RelayCommand<TextSelection>(
                     param => AddDefaultTriggerCommandExecuted(param))