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Convert object of custom template based iterator class to const_iterator

I'm studying OOP course (C++ is a base language) at university. My task is to implement own linked list template container class. I did it almost completely but faced with problem. It is known that STL provides iterator and const_iterator classes for iteration through list. They have almost the same implementation, the major difference is that iterator's methods return references while const_iterator's methods — constant references. I followed and created separated template class ListIterator. Then I declared with typedef classes Iterator and ConstIterator inside the class List.

I got something like this:

template<typename T>
class ListNode
    ListNode(T *node_value = nullptr, ListNode *node_prev = nullptr, ListNode *node_next = nullptr):
        value(node_value), prev(node_prev), next(node_next) { }

    T *value;
    ListNode *prev, *next;

template<typename T>
class ListIterator
    typedef ListNode<T> Node;

    ListIterator(Node *node);
    ListIterator(ListIterator const &other);
    ListIterator &operator++();
// ...
    Node *i;

template<typename T>
class List: public Container
    typedef ListIterator<T> Iterator;
    typedef ListIterator<T const> ConstIterator;
// ...
    Iterator begin() const
        return Iterator(m_first->next);
    ConstIterator const_begin() const
        return ConstIterator(begin());
// ...

All worked great until I decided to make "copy-constructor" Iterator -> ConstIterator. So I need constructor method that gets ListIterator<T> (where T is the data class name) and creates new object type ListIterator<T const>. But in fact ConstIterator's constructor gets T const as a template parameter, so I need to remove const for constructor's parameter. I found header type_traits which does this. So I wrote "copy-constructor": typedef typename std::remove_cv::type NoConstT; ListIterator(ListIterator const &other);

But it doesn't work! I got this error after requesing const_begin():

List<int> list1;
list1 << 1 << 2 << 3;
int i = *list1.const_begin(); 

error: 'ListIterator<T>::ListIterator(const ListIterator<typename std::remove_cv<_Tp>::type>&) [with T = int; typename std::remove_cv<_Tp>::type = int]' cannot be overloaded with 'ListIterator<T>::ListIterator(const ListIterator<T>&) [with T = int; ListIterator<T> = ListIterator<int>]'

But that's not all. To accomplish my goal have to convert ListNode<T> to ListNode<T const> as well. But I have one more problem there: each list node contains pointers to previous and next nodes and if I try to initialize them in node's constructor I'll get recursion. Of course I can create function that handles converting all ListNode<T> nodes to ListNode<T const> by iteration through them. But I don't like this solution: it has huge overhead!

I asked this question my teacher. He couldn't understand it for several minutes, then when he got it he said: "It's elementary!" — "But I stuck with it for 3-4 hours!" — "If so, throw away const iterators and finalize list container without them. I need time to understand your code" (as you see my code is quite simple in my opinion). As I understood he didn't know answer to this question. But I really want to know how to make it! How can I solve this problem?

Sorry for tons of mistakes — I'm not a native English speaker.


  • You can indeed use <type_traits>, just not in the way you describe. One approach would be to always declare a constructor from the same type and declare from non-const one conditionally with enable_if only when template argument is indeed not constant. And node should always be non-const, this you can do with remove_const.

    #include <type_traits>
    template<typename T>
    class ListNode
    template<typename T>
    class ListIterator
        typedef ListNode<typename std::remove_const<T>::type> Node;
        ListIterator() {}
        ListIterator(Node*) {}
        ListIterator(ListIterator const&) {}
        template <typename U>
        ListIterator(ListIterator<U> const&, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_const<U>()>::type* = nullptr) {}
    template<typename T>
    class List
        typedef ListIterator<T> Iterator;
        typedef ListIterator<T const> ConstIterator;
    // ...
        Iterator begin()
            return Iterator(/*...*/);
        ConstIterator const_begin() const
            return ConstIterator(/*...*/);
    // ...
    int main() {
        List<int> list;
        List<int>::ConstIterator ci = list.const_begin(); 
        List<int>::Iterator i = list.begin(); 
        ci = i; // works fine as expected
        i = ci; // fails as expected
        i = i;  // works fine as expected
        ci = ci;  // works fine as expected
        return 0;