I've got a list of Tokens which looks something like:
Value: "Blah",
StartOffset: 0,
EndOffset: 4
}, ... ]
What I want to do is get a count of how many times each value occurs in the list of tokens.
In VB.Net I'd do something like...
Tokens = Tokens.
GroupBy(Function(x) x.Value).
Select(Function(g) New With {
.Value = g.Key,
.Count = g.Count})
What's the equivalent in Python?
IIUC, you can use collections.Counter
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> tokens = [{"Value": "Blah", "SO": 0}, {"Value": "zoom", "SO": 5}, {"Value": "Blah", "SO": 2}, {"Value": "Blah", "SO": 3}]
>>> Counter(tok['Value'] for tok in tokens)
Counter({'Blah': 3, 'zoom': 1})
if you only need a count. If you want them grouped by the value, you could use itertools.groupby
and something like:
>>> from itertools import groupby
>>> def keyfn(x):
return x['Value']
>>> [(k, list(g)) for k,g in groupby(sorted(tokens, key=keyfn), keyfn)]
[('Blah', [{'SO': 0, 'Value': 'Blah'}, {'SO': 2, 'Value': 'Blah'}, {'SO': 3, 'Value': 'Blah'}]), ('zoom', [{'SO': 5, 'Value': 'zoom'}])]
although it's a little trickier because groupby
requires the grouped terms to be contiguous, and so you have to sort by the key first.