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Salesforce Split one object into two(parent-child relationship)

I have data coming to a salesforce object from a third party tool like this:

ID | field1 | field2 | criteria1importance | criteria1score | criteria1competitorscore | criteria2importance | criteria2score | criteria2competitorscore |criteriaN...

i want to split this in a parent child relationship like this :

parent object : ID | field1 | field2 | criteria(foreign key)

and child object : criteriaName | importance | score | competitorScore

hope that makes sence, i have been searching for this since 2 weeks :/ Thanks in advance.


  • Problem solved, i have created the child object and an apex trigger to fill the fields. this is how it looks like:

    trigger ResultChildTrigger on VANG_Survey_Result__c (after insert) {
    List<SurveyDetail__c> details = new List<SurveyDetail__c>();
    for (VANG_Survey_Result__c newResult: Trigger.New) {
        //if (newResult.Id != null) {
            details.add(new SurveyDetail__c(
            Name = 'Overall Sales Approach',
            Survey_Result__c = newResult.Id,
            importance__c = decimal.valueOf(newResult.Q1Value__c),
            score__c = decimal.valueOf(newResult.Q2Value__c),
            competitor_score__c = decimal.valueOf(newResult.Q3Value__c)
    insert details;
